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Profile Your Source Data
Profile Your Source Data
Written by Chirag Dadheech
Updated over 3 years ago


You might want to execute a profile of the data that you imported from the source. As soon as you create a recipe from a source, you can execute a job to profile the dataset.

By profiling the data as soon as you load it into the Transformer page, you can assess the following:

  • Identify problems in the source and potentially correct them in the source system.

  • Create a baseline to evaluate the data wrangling work you do in Trifacta® Wrangler Enterprise.

  • Identify mismatched or missing values.

Tip: You can also use this technique to generate an output of your source data, which is useful if you do not have read access to the source outside of Trifacta Wrangler Enterprise.

Keywords: task;ui;profiler;valid;invalid;missing;mismatched;imported_dataset;ismissing;ismatched;isvalid;howto;project_management;

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